Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Keagan meets Santa!

We took a trip to the mall today to get a couple things and of course, Santa was there. At first, we did a "drive by" in the stroller and Keagan said he was too shy and didn't want to go in. I wasn't pushy about it, I honestly did not care either way (and finding out what they charge for those pics, I certainly wasn't going to pressure him to get a crying picture!). So we did our shopping, ate lunch, and then on the second time through, Keagan says "I not shy anymore! I want to meet Santa!" I like to be encouraging when he is feeling adventurous because he tends towards shying away from new things, so in we went, through the decorated arches, around Santa's platform to wait in line. Luckily, he chose a great time, and there were only two families ahead of us. Of course those kids were in velvet dresses, little vest suits, and having their ringlets fluffed and hair combed before the big event. I looked down at Keagan's firetruck t-shirt and semi-matching pants with crocs to finish off the ensemble- which he put together himself. I managed to wipe the ketchup from lunch off Keagan's face, but drew the line at running my fingers through his hair (he's rocking such a great 70s mop right now anyway).

When it was our turn, the photo employees looked at me like I had three heads when I didn't want to take Torin out of the Bjorn and put him on Santa's lap too- no thanks, just the older one. "It's just the older one." "Just the older one?" "You want the baby too?" No, thank you... really. I wasn't about to have a screaming infant on my hands while alone in the mall with the two of them. Keagan also decided he wanted to sit next to Santa. He wasn't about to sit on his lap- that was a little too far- they just met after all. And as you can see in the picture they had a great little conversation. Keagan also did two other perfect smiles toward the camera, but I had to order this picture. It just shows his personality so much more. The photographer actually called Santa over to the computer screen in a quiet moment while we were waiting for the print out to show the man in red our picture. He's a really nice Santa and nearly let out a "Ho ho ho" when he saw it.


Sarah G said...

I love this!!!! You need to frame it.

Anonymous said...

Perfect shot! It's the real deal and not a set-up Kodak moment. He's a great Santa! Maybe he's the real one, and not just one of the workers! (That's what I have to tell Charlotte....she notices that all the Santa's look different)


Unknown said...

This is the most amazing picture. It really captures something special and it is perfectly composed!!!! Love the contrast and balance. And the smiles are truly two way!
