Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Good Turn Deserves Another

I feel like I've posted a couple times when I've had encounters with rude people when I'm out with the boys, so I wanted to balance it out with an experience today.

Keagan's school had malfunction in their heating system and I got a call at 10:30 to go pick him up because they had no heat or hot water. When I got there, I asked if they were also releasing the all-day kids or just morning kids. They weren't sure, and were waiting for a diagnosis from the repair guys. One of Keagan's playgroup pals is an all-day kid on Tuesdays and I knew it would take his mom a while to come get him since she's a teacher and has to also pick up their one year old from daycare on the way. I told Keagan's teacher to have this friend call me if she wanted me to come get Keagan's pal and take him for a while until she could get there and home we went.
Sure enough, a little after 12:00, I got a call from my friend saying she would love for me to get her son because he's the only one left at school at this point and she'll be about an hour to get there. Back to school we trotted, and since we didn't have a third carseat (or room for one), we decided to hang out at the Bean House downtown and get everyone lunch. I felt good about helping her out, and I knew she would do the same for me- and truthfully, I love going to the Bean House about as much as Keagan does ;)
I think Karma may have been with me for this deed, because of what happened while we were getting lunch. After ordering a grilled cheese for the boys (the sandwich is big, so they were sharing) and getting them settled with some chips and milk, Torin was fussy. This should have been his nap time, but oh well. I didn't want to wait until the sandwich was ready (it's a order, sit, and get it when they call your number place) and risk a very grumpy infant, so I whipped out my nursing cover and started giving him some lunch. Of course, about a minute into nursing our number is called. I lift Torin up (still attached) and head over to the counter. A woman from an adjacent table gets up, and asks if she can carry the sandwich back to my table for me.
It was one of the nicest things a stranger had done for me in a while. With the business lunch crowd this place attracts, I was sure I would incur more dirty looks bringing in 3 kids under the age of 4 at the noontime hour than I would favors. How pleasantly surprised I was to find an act of kindness instead. It may seem like such a small gesture, but that's all it takes sometimes.
Thank you, nice woman at the Bean House today. You made my day.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Pay it foward, as they say!!
That was nice of you to think of your friend, and it was so nice of that woman to help you with the tray!
What goes around comes around, karma as we say!!