Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Torin turns 6 months!

Torin is six months old now! I got some video of him to mark the day. Here's the skinny on where he's at:
He is doing a lot of babbling and raspberries and squealing.
He loves watching Keagan do anything.
He is not sleeping through the night, but on good nights we get some 3-4 hour stretches and he's starting to make progress in settling himself down.
He has his two front bottom teeth and we think one on the top is trying to come out.
He has started rice cereal and seems to like that... mostly. I tried making some baby food for him but he is VERY sensitive to texture and gagged on it, so I went and bought some jarred stuff since it is super smooth. He is slow to accept things, but has gotten some carrots, peas, sweet potato and pears. Mostly, he still wants Mommy when he's hungry.
He is starting to sit up on his own. Still a big floppy and just forgetful that he is doing it so he'll fall over, or if he turns his head to see something, his whole body will follow and he'll fall.
Can't wait to see what he weighs and measures at his 6 month check-up!

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