Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grasping at Toast

Torin has been refusing any pureed food since we all had a nasty cold a few weeks ago. I thought it was just because he was sick, but now he won't go back to it. He grabs the spoon and shoves it away from his mouth (or throws it if he gets it out of my hand) and if I do manage to get it to his mouth, he clams up and turns his head. He has also never taken to the bottle. This means, it's all Mommy for nourishment. I'm not concerned he is underfed- just look at him! And he's developing well with his language and physical abilities, so he's fine on breast milk, but I'm starting to long for a _little_ separation at times or just a fall back plan should we need to be parted for some reason. With this in mind, I let him try out a piece of toast. I had given him some Cheerios and he played with them for a while, but when one finally made it to his mouth he pretty much just choked on it and did not know how to gum it and swallow. I thought toast may go better. He seems to understand what to do with it right away, but again, some choking ensued when he bit off a larger piece. He was able to manage getting some little bits swallowed correctly, but I think in general, he needs a little more time before he's ready for more of this.

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