Monday, February 15, 2010

Roller Skating!

I was psyched when Keagan was interested in seeing my roller skates the other day and watching some video of me competing (when I was 15!). He said he wanted to try skating. I was thrilled! It happened to be good timing because the local rink in Hudson has extended hours for school vacation week, so off we went! Erik and I were fully expecting for him to freak out immediately at the weight and feel of the skates on his feet, but he surprised us both by being very willing to give it a go. He did ok on the carpet around the rink, but once we ventured out onto the real floor, he panicked at the feeling of the wheels sliding out from under him and we went about 10 feet to the nearest exit and that was it. We talked a lot about the scary feeling and he was willing to go around on the carpet with me a little more, but we did not get out on the floor again. I was hoping someone behind the skate rental booth would tighten his wheels to being nearly locked so they don't roll much (something we always did for little kids at my home rink) but the teenagers working back there looked at me like I had three heads when I asked them. If only I'd brought my own wrench! Despite the reaction he had to his first attempt, Keagan has said he wants to try again, he just wants wheels that don't roll so fast. I'm now on a mission to get him his own skates, on which I can control his roll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a brave kid! We used to go to the "disco" roller rink every Friday night when I was 14-15....we'd smoke cigs and meet boys! Too bad there isn't anything here now. I never knew you competed! It may be genetic!
