Saturday, February 13, 2010

Toasted Keagan

Keagan has been asking to have fires frequently, but when I'm alone with the boys, it's just too much for me to deal with. Our fireplace is fickle and will billow smoke into the house on a whim, so fires really need to be closely tended- something I just can't manage by myself. So, with Daddy home on the weekend, Keagan was able to have a fire. He asked for one by saying "Daddy, you want to be toasted?" I think he meant "toasty" but also remembered us calling marshmellows on the fire toasted, so he mixed the two up in his head. I thought it was hilarious. He then proceeded to get some pillows off the couch to make "sleeping bag." He was so enthusiastic about his relaxing by the fire, we decided to get out his travel bed so he could properly snuggle. So here he is, Toasted Keagan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAAWWW...adorable! That's such a cozy feeling. We do the same thing by the woodstove in the kitchen. Can't toast marshmallows though...
