Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Acton Museum with Orly!

We went to the children's museum in Acton with my friend Leyre and her daughter Orly, who is 3 weeks older than Torin. It was a great vacation week morning. I was worried the museum would be packed, but it was a nice day out so I think more people were outside. It was fun to watch the babies play together and have another mom to chat with for the visit. Keagan was a little annoyed he was "slowed down" by the babies, because they were perfectly happy to camp out in one room for a while and he kept wanting to move on, but he did well being patient and staying in sight. I think he's more used to Torin moving at his pace, than having to move at baby brother's pace ;) Thanks Leyre for driving out for our playdate!

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