Friday, April 02, 2010

Boston Children's Museum

Erik had today off, and with the gorgeous weather we wanted to do a little family trip. The Children's Museum currently has a Curious George exhibit that was calling Keagan's name, and with our new Acton Discover Museum membership, we get in to the Boston museum free too! How could we not go?!
Torin took a great two-hour nap this morning, which started us off on the right foot for such a long day. We packed everything up and decided on taking the big stroller so that both kids could ride in that on the walk from South Station to the museum (we took the red line in town). It's not a long walk, but with all the other excitement, we didn't want to tire Keagan out before even getting there. The stroller also came in handy when we had lunch at South Station (not wanting to enter the exciting museum hungry!) and Torin could sit and eat in the stroller, which has a tray in front for him. Surprisingly, navigating the stroller around T stations was not all that difficult. There is one elevator that is sort of down this long, side hallway, which was odd, but we called it the "super secret passage" which made it lots of fun for Keagan.
The museum was overwhelming, even for me. I haven't been there since I was a child and didn't recognize a thing. The boys did fantastic though, and Keagan was thrilled when our friend Mark came with his daughter Loula and son Will. He and Loula had a blast together. When I asked Keagan what his favorite part of the day was he said "playing with Loula." When I asked his favorite part of the museum he said "the George exhibit." Although I think the "Deep Dark Woods" in the Peep and the Big Wild World room was a huge hit as well.
Torin was totally happy watching everyone play from the sling or stroller. When he got a little fussy, he nursed and was again happy. By 3:00, he started to get antsy from exhaustion and we headed out soon after. He actually fell asleep in my arms on the T back to Alewife and slept the whole way home in the car.
I am happy to say we did the whole trip without any tears or tantrums! Wohoo! It was a super fun and exhausting day. The kids are both sound asleep and Erik and I are going to have a quiet dinner.

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