Saturday, April 03, 2010

Yard Work and Easter Eggs (Round 2)

The warm, sunny days just keep on coming! We decided to do a trip down to Lowe's and get some more decorative rock to start finishing the second side of the front of the house landscaping. To keep the boys entertained while Erik was shoveling rock, we put some tents and toys outside. Worked liked a charm! Torin was happily playing in his little tent and Keagan bounced in between the two.
After dinner, we decorated some Easter Eggs. Since our first adventure in eggs ended up in just two, plain, dipped colors and took about 5 minutes, I figured we'd try something a little more involved this time. I put food coloring into some mugs and let Keagan paint with it on the eggs. This seemed to be a lot more fun, and a lot more messy :) We're still washing food coloring off our hands, the table, the place mat, the floor...

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