Sunday, May 02, 2010

Potty Day 2

I am ECSTATIC to report that Keagan did not have ANY accidents today. He has really figured out this whole pee control thing. I could not be more proud of him.
Unfortunately, we had another LONG bathroom experience with regards to his first poop on the potty today. It was made worse by the fact that he held it in all day yesterday due to nerves, so it was legitimately a bigger task than normal (shall we say). Erik was a trooper in there with him, I literally fled the scene by taking Torin out on a walk. A couple minutes before I returned home Erik called my cell and said "Keagan has something to tell you" and then I heard Keagan "I went poops on the potty Mommy!" He was very proud of himself and we all felt much better after that.
Shortly after we had to go to a birthday party for a school friend of Keagan's at a local gymnastics place. I was excited about this because it's also the place we're sending Keagan to Summer camp. I was worried that he would not put a pull up diaper on though, for some extra insurance against an embarrassing accident, but he assured me he could do it. This was our first trip in the car sans diaper (but it was only a 3 minute drive) and our first real outing in underwear, which Keagan promptly announced to everyone when we walked in the door.
When we walked into the play area where all the kids were, Keagan absolutely refused to get involved. He literally sat in a chair on the side of the mat the whole 45 minutes of gym time. It was sad, but I didn't push him and the instructor came over and talked to him and he was very animated with her, but still did not want to join. I guess he could have been nervous about having an accident. But I am happy to report he stayed dry the whole time, and when I suggested we go to the bathroom after cake and ice cream (which he did not eat) he promptly went to the toilet and peed right away- even though the toilet had some serious rust stains in it and he was slightly skeptical at first. I was SO proud.
We came home and told Erik the good news and decided to go celebrate with a trip to a local lake beach (it was 90 degrees here today!!!). Torin LOVED splashing in the water and picking up all the wet sand and putting either on my leg or in a pile around him. We had a blast. And is there anything cuter than a baby in just a swim diaper and sun hat :) We followed our beach time with some dinner at walk-up window place where we ate grilled cheese, fries and ice cream outside. Keagan was so great about telling us when he had to go pee and even told us he did not pee in his swimsuit the whole time in the water, which we believed because we let him pee on a tree before we left and he had a decent amount in him.
I think I've gone through nearly every parental emotion this weekend, but it was all worth it. Today was a great day.


Sarah G said...

The lake sounds like such fun!! I LOVE that photo of you and Torin. :)

Anonymous said...

He's on his way! The party, noise and potty all at once were probably overwhelming. Within a week, he won't even remember diapers!


Kristin said...

Congrats to both you guys and Keagan! Pooping on the potty was very hard for Emma too....she would ask for a diaper, go poo, then asked to be changed into her undies! That went on for about a month, then she did the potty thing one day when we were out and had no choice! Then she was golden! Different places use to freak her out....especially the ones with the auto flushes! Watch out for those! But I can happily say, at 9 years old, that she can pee and poop anywhere any time now!!!