Monday, June 28, 2010

Keagan's 4th Birthday

Erik took today off of work because last week Keagan looked at his calendar and said "My birthday is on a Monday. Daddy goes to work on Mondays. He'll miss my birthday and come home at dinner!" Well, that was all Erik needed to hear.
To start the day off, we opened some presents. His big one was a Thomas the Train Coal Hopper to go on his train table. He found this right after Christmas and I had said "ok, well maybe for your birthday" and he reminded Erik I said that a few weeks ago. Off I went to find it, and thankfully, it was still at the store! He was a little disappointed that it didn't actually drop coal... oh well. He still came running over to me after opening it to say "Thank you, Mom! I really appreciate it!" and that's all I needed.
We decided to take a trip to the beach since it was so hot. At first we thought of Hampton, NH, but Keagan wasn't sure he wanted to do "big waves" so we settled on Salem Willows Park. We invited Grammy and Grampy along to help celebrate with us. Unfortunately, it was super windy on the beach which made it a little challenging, especially for Torin. The wind would kick up the sand and throw it at us occasionally, and we couldn't keep a beach umbrella up at all. We still had fun though, and Keagan and I had some fun in the water with him riding around on my back.
After the beach, we went to the kiddie rides and arcade and had some food. We bought ice cream or our birthday treat- Keagan isn't big on cake anyway. And then, on the way home, we stopped at a drug store and bought a bag of Dum-Dum lollipops. The one thing Keagan asked for for a birthday treat, was a lollipop- so we had to make that happen for him.
It was a great day. Happy Birthday, Pumpkin!

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