Monday, September 20, 2010

It's not just a bed, it's a transformer!

We took the plunge on Sunday and spent the afternoon at Ikea to get a new bed for Keagan. His race car bed, although awesome, was still a crib mattress size and he barely fit in it. We have been discussing this fact for weeks now to prepare him for the change. We hemmed and hawed about what type of bed to go with. When we first suggested a bigger bed Keagan said "Can I get bunk beds! Then, when Torin is out of his crib, he can sleep on the bottom bunk and I can sleep on the top!" And although that was totally adorable and tempting, I could not stand the constant surveillance needed with the boys and an elevated bed scenario. Another race car? But will he think that's "so uncool, Mom" in 3 years? We thought we settled on a plain old low to the ground but with some storage underneath bed at Ikea, until we saw this bed. I had actually seen it before our trip there and we discussed it briefly, but until we saw how cool it was in person we weren't sold on it. We were able to scope out the beds without Keagan because Ikea has a kids play area that you drop the kid off at and they watch them! How awesome is that? It's for a max of 45 minutes, they have to be potty trained, and they give you a buzzer pager in case the kid freaks and asks you to come back. Keagan had a blast! And we had time to prepare our speech for what bed we wanted to get :) Of course we didn't need to, because Keagan hopped into this bed first and said "I want this bed!" He didn't even realize it changes to a loft bed until he saw the second display of it where they have it in that position. The whole bed flips over and becomes an elevated loft bed with a playspace underneath (or another bed for sleepovers). So once the boys are a little older and Torin can have some notion of being careful if he climbs up, we can flip the bed over and go loft! I think I might be more excited than Keagan because I think it's so cool.
Getting the 100lb box home was no easy task, but we hoisted it on the car and the boys and I played cars while Erik meticulously secured it for the highway trip home. Then it took Erik about 4 hours to put together, part of which the boys and I left for the playground because Keagan's "helping" was not helping. And it still wasn't done for bedtime last night, we just had the frame up and put the mattress on the floor inside it, but tonight is is all the way done and looks great.
In other sleep news- Keagan is now getting up on his own to pee at night instead of relying on a night time diaper. We are thrilled! We have been talking about it and telling him he can get up whenever he needs to, he doesn't have to call or wait for us, we'll meet him in the bathroom if he needs help, etc and finally, it was like a switch went off in his little head (body) and he's been doing great. That alone deserved a new bed ;)

1 comment:

Sarah G said...

Yay! That's a lot of big news for Keagan! Also, I love that the bed is so versatile - good job shopping! :)