Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Guess Who!

Surprise! I went in for my midwife appointment this week and after the normal chit-chat and blood pressure check (which is fine), she tried to find the baby's heartbeat with a doppler. After five minutes of trying she gave up. I was half expecting just a "well, that's not too uncommon at 12 weeks, how about you come back in a couple weeks and we'll check again"... you know, not thinking too much of it. Then my midwife suggested she call over to the hospital and see if I could get a quick ultrasound to make sure things were ok. Cue anxiety level rise. This was a bit scary, and not fun to deal with by myself. Erik and I had decided that he and Keagan would stay home because the birth center is an hour drive from my house and Keagan has had so much travel this past week, we didn't want to make him get in the car again. I called Erik to let him know I was on the way to the hospital and of course he was really upset that he wasn't there with me. What was worse, was it took my an hour to get into the ultrasound room, with no cell reception, to keep him updated. My heart fluttered when I saw the baby come up on the screen and the tech said "well, considering it's doing backstrokes, I think we're ok, but let me run my tests." It was fantastic. I got to see the heartbeat, the cord pulsing, little hands and feet... awesome! I like how in the bottom picture it looks like it's waving (that white arm on top). It was definitely moving around a lot. We will do the normally scheduled ultrasound at 18 weeks and hopefully find out the sex :)
So in the end, instead of just hearing the heartbeat today, I got a sneak peak at the whole baby! By the time I called Erik to give him the good news he was quite flustered and said "what took them so long!" When I got home the whole kitchen was spic and span from his nervous energy ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi baby! That's so cool! I mean, not cool that you had to deal with the stress of it, but cool that you got a peek at the babe :) And backstrokes, that's great - I guess you have to do *something* to keep from getting bored in the womb ;)

Anonymous said...

So amazing to see at this early stage! The midwife I saw had trouble finding Charlotte's heartbeat a few times. I remember feeling so sick, and she would send me downstairs to the lobby to get a doughnut, then do the ultrasound. The sugar always did the trick......I'm willing to bet it's a girl, she's already giving you trouble with nausea and heartbeats!


Anonymous said...

What a cute little nugget!