Tuesday, January 27, 2009

16 Weeks and Keagan virus

First the good news: I'm 16 weeks into my pregnancy today and had a good check up with the midwife. The baby's growth is good and the doppler picked up the heartbeat this time, which was in the 150s.

Now the not good news: Keagan has had a nasty virus since Saturday. He's had a pretty much constant fever ranging between 100 and 103, which Motrin and Tylenol has kept in check, but he's often stil at 99-100 with those on board. He has a bad cough which has been giving him a rapid breathing rate, and we've had to use the albuterol nebulizer a couple times. We have also just put saline in the nebulizer which has helped calm the cough. Last night was pretty rough with him waking at 4:00am and then pretty much every half hour till 7am, when I snuggled with him till he went back to sleep for almost an hour, but I just got up- once the sun is up and I've been woken several times, sleep just doesn't sound appealing anymore. He also threw up all over his bed at one point- although I'm not sure it was really vomiting, or an exaggerated "spit up". But whichever it was, it was all over his pillow and sheets. We did go to the doctor yesterday, but of course, his fever was in check with meds, and his breathing wasn't particularly telling because he screamed as soon as the doctor came near him, until she left the room again. Sigh. But she said his lungs sounded clear, it was just upper respiratory coughing, no pneumonia sounds, and his ears were clear of infection. "It's just a virus." How many times have you parents heard that one? Cold comfort at 4am, but what else can they say? I'm certainly not a fan of medications when they aren't warranted, so it's really their only answer. What has been more bothersome today and yesterday is Keagan's nearly complete loss of appetite and struggle to get fluids in him. I broke out a juice box because those are novel and fun for him (Mott's for tots kind- which is basically watered down juice) and he was willing to have some of that. We bought some Pedialyte today but he has yet to try it. He did decide he wanted some milk this morning, which was good.
Sigh. It's just a virus.


Anonymous said...

I can't even count the amount of co-pays we've paid to hear...."It's a virus", or "It takes a couple of weeks"...just keep the fluids going as much as possible....easy on the milk though. There are these yummy things at Hannaford in the cough and cold section. They are freezer pops made only from vit c and honey. They are called "Children's Throat Coolers", and are non-medicated. Charlotte LOVES them even when she's not sick. You freeze them yourself. Grape and strawberry are the flavors available. (Grape is best) Hope this helps in the fluid dept!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, another drink to try is called "Fruit Falls" by Minute Maid. It's basically a natural berry flavored water, only 2 grams of sugar. They come in a box of 12 and are clear colored. They are squishy pouches that come with a little straw. The kids who like juice boxes LOVE these since they taste so darn good, and you won't feel guilty giving them to him.
