Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend with Liza

My friend Liza was with us from Friday to Monday. Keagan lit up in the mornings when Auntie Liza came out of her room. He had to ask where Uncle Joey was, and was a bit disappointed he was not with Liza, but got over that quickly. Of course he had to show her his train table, although I'm not sure she was allowed to touch too much of it- he can be a bossy little guy with his trains. In fact, on Saturday, while Mema and Papa were babysitting, Keagan told Mema "trains are for boys" and didn't want her to play with them. Where did he get that from!?

We had a very busy weekend with a baby shower for our friends Mike and Leyre on Saturday and a "mommy shower" for me on Sunday with some friends who pampered me with brunch and a trip to a spa. It was absolutely fabulous! I have never appreciated a full body massage more! Then today, we drove into Cambridge to meet our friend Hannah (it was a bit of a mini Smithie reunion). We had planned a trip to a playground and picnic, but the weather shifted and it got so cold we ended up with a picnic in the back of my car- still fun though. I think I'll head to bed early tonight though after all this excitement!

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