Saturday, August 22, 2009

Torin One Month

Torin weighed in at 11lbs 10 oz yesterday at his one-month check up, which puts him just above 50th percentile for weight and he's about 75th for height, but I forgot the actual measurement. Funny that those are the reverse percentiles from Keagan, and we keep saying how the two of them are so different/opposite. I talked to both the nurse practitioner and the physician's assistant (both basically the same rank at the office- great women) about Torin's UTI situation. The lab results showed that in fact there was an E.Coli infection and that Amoxicillan is in the "could work" category for antibiotics (basically, it's "this will work", "this won't work", "this could work or might not"). Because of his age, he is limited in choices for what antibiotics are ok for him to take and some are only in IV drip or IM shot form. We decided that since he's been fever free for a few days, we wouldn't start another antibiotic right away just because the Amox isn't known to be 100% effective. We are going to finish the dose (done on Monday night) and then bring in another urine sample two days later and they will check to be sure it's been wiped out. If not, then we'll start another antibiotic. He's been acting fine though and I'm hoping the Amox did it's job and he's good to go.

While I was in the exam room with Torin, Erik took Keagan to the collection room for a blood draw for a lead test. We discovered we needed to have a 3 year lead test for preschool... sigh... The whole office staff was worried about how Keagan would do with the blood draw. When I came out of the exam room, they were having one of the girls "spy" on how Keagan was doing in the back and filling us all in. Erik knows the whole story, but basically, the nurse couldn't find the vein on Keagan's arm, so they ended up pricking his finger (although I think stabbing is a better term) and squeezing out enough blood for the test. This took a while. Keagan was an absolute champ and didn't even cry. They were talking the whole time about TV shows. Erik and I had prepped him in the morning before we left for the office that he was going to have a blood draw done and explained it as best we could (although of course we didn't anticipate this method!) and he had a bit of a meltdown of worry trying to get him dressed and ready to leave, but apparently, that worked because when it came time, he was amazing.

That evening Keagan got to help with Torin's tubby and they were both having a great time.


Anonymous said...

Where did the bath pics go? I brought Mimi over to see them and no pictures....did I just imagine them?


Alannah said...

Sorry, when I realized you could see Torin's "bits" I took them off- just to be safe. I'll email them to you though to show Peg :)

Anonymous said...

Good idea! I didn't even notice the "bits" however there are pervs out there who would!
