Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Day in the Bunny Room

Today was Keagan's last day of preschool- at least for this year. He's going back to this preschool in the Fall, and he'll be out of the 3 year old "Bunny" Room and in the 4 year old "Teddy" Room. He can't stop talking about being a Teddy; he's super excited. Sadly, this morning, we both ended up crying in the kitchen before school because he was sad that it was his last day. He was dragging his feet about getting dressed and then just getting upset and Erik finally tugged out of him that it was because he was sad it was his last day. He didn't see my tears as I comforted him- something a Mom learns early, I think- but they were there. I was upset because the preschool is going from a full-day program to a half-day program next year and I know at least one of the teachers he had this year is leaving, and not sure about the other one, so I couldn't even tell him he'd still see his teachers next year in the play yard when he mentioned their names and said how he loves them. Thankfully, he pulled it together when we got to school and gave the teachers his homemade thank you cards and it was super cute. He was upset again at pick-up, but we got through it quickly- thankfully because I really didn't want to cry again in front of everyone!
Thanks for a great year, Community School!

1 comment:

Sarah G said...

SO SWEET! I'm sure he'll end up equally excited about new teachers when the new year starts in September, but I'm sure he doesn't care about that right now!