Thursday, June 24, 2010

Teeth and Toddling!

In the midst of all the Keagan excitement with the Thomas day and his birthday parties coming up, Torin has a lot going on! He has his first molar on the bottom right side. He did pretty well with that coming in, just a little crankiness. He is also walking! He took his first couple steps between his crib to me in the rocking chair. Then, the next day, he took 5 steps to Erik in the playroom! He wants to hold our hands to walk all the time, and is more and more wanting to be able to go it alone. He gets pretty frustrated when he falls on his bum while trying. Although I can't quite believe this development is here already, I am happy for him and think he will be much happier when he can run around after Keagan :) and I'm looking forward to that.

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